Alpine Archery and Fly is the premier Archery and Fly Shop in Eastern Oregon. John and Anieta have been involved in the outdoors for their entire lives and this involvement has sparked a passion to get others outdoors and enjoying these sports. Growing up locally in the La Grande, OR area gives both of them a unique understanding of what this area has to offer in the forms of fishing and hunting. John has a passion for all things archery that has grown in him since a teenager. He initially got into archery for the purpose of hunting and through the people that he met quickly began down the endless pursuit of being the best target archer he can be. Although he spends most of the year shooting tournaments it all boils down to becoming a better archer so that he can be a better hunter. Elk and bear hunting
with a bow is what drives the year long passion for shooting. Anieta grew up rifle hunting and when meeting John his passion for archery quickly spilled over to her and because of some close encounters in her first season archery hunting she has never looked back and spends the entire year, like John, shooting her bow in preparation for the next season. Her passion has sparked the interest of many women shooters, both experienced and novice. In a short period of time she has accomplished much and is a pro-staffer for Bow Chic apparel and has placed at the state level in competition. Her journey now takes her to other states in pursuit of different species of game.
Although John has fished his entire life, a new obsession has taken over his fishing pursuits. John is obsessed with all things two handed in the fly fishing world. Sometime ago John separated his shoulder and he could not cast a single hand rod for any period of time. This left him in the pursuit of ways to fish without pain and he quickly found the world of spey casting and has never looked back. John was lucky enough to have met some incredible casters and steelhead fisherman on the way to help him. It is an honor to call some of these people friends and to seek their insight on so many things. Brian Styskal, Nate Koenigsnecht, John Larison, and so many others have been integral in John’s spey journey. Meeting people like Dec Hogan, Randle Stetzer, Dave Tucker, and Kerry Burkheimer have also been a huge blessing to this shop and to the Appleton’s in general. These are the people that we call on whenever we have questions and are lucky to have the best of the best teach for us and continue to teach us. If you are on the Grande Ronde, be sure to skate on over to Alpine Archery and Fly to see us.